Our Road Trip In O.Z !!!

Our Road Trip In O.Z !!!

 Le 29 Juillet 2012:


That's it! Here is the final map of our unforgettable travel throughout Australia not less than 50 000km and as you can see.... we still have a lot to do!

One and half year of travelling, 5 months of working in Australia and a lot of saving from France!


Australia got us and we don't want to come back! Our amazing travel has started in January 13th 2010 and as far as today we still here!

From now, we are currently living in Brisbane and we are working for almost a year now... The permanent Resident visa is on the way and should arrived pretty soon, next step becoming an Australian citizen, a true blue Ozzie, an ozzie Blok!

Can't wait......


Welcome on board and enjoy!




Et Voila la carte finale de notre inoubliable periple a travers l'Australie environ 50 000km et comme vous pouvez le constater, finalement on a pas fait grand choses....

1 an et demi de voyage 5 mois de travail en Australie et beaucoup d'economie en partant de France!


Maintenant l'Australie nous tiens et on veux plus repartir Notre voyage a commencer le 13 Janvier 2010 et aujourd'hui le 29 juillet 2012 on y est toujours.....

On vit desormais sur Brisbane et on bosse depuis bientot 1 an, le visa de resident permanent devrait arriver tres bientot; prochaine etape obtenir la nationalite Australienne....


Bienvenue sur notre Blog et regaler vous.....